Swiss Snow League Ski
Swiss Snow Kids Village Ski
Snowli will help you learn to ski! For children from 3 years of age.
The story of Snowli
Getting to know the skis and the snow
Walking, climbing uphill (turning around)
Skiing in the fall line with skis parallel and braking
First changes of direction from the fall line

Blue Prince/Princess Ski
You learn how to ski down simple slopes in the plough position and also how to do parallel skiing. There is no shortage of fun and enjoyment in the snow either.
Climbing uphill by side stepping and herringbone (scissor) stepping
Gliding and braking with the snow plough
Skiing with skis parallel with steps and tricks
Turning snow plough turns (wedge turns)

Blue King/Queen Ski
You learn how to ski down simple slopes in the plough position and also how to do parallel skiing. There is no shortage of fun and enjoyment in the snow either.
Safe use of lifts
Traversing and tricks
Skiing with skis parallel over easy bumps and jumps
Snow plough turns (wedge christie) on an easy blue slope

Blue Star Ski
You learn how to ski down simple slopes in the plough position and also how to do parallel skiing. There is no shortage of fun and enjoyment in the snow either.
Behaviour on the slopes (FIS rules)
Turning in a miniature slalom jungle and in a set course
Skiing over bumps and dips
Skiing backwards (switch) with skis in a V shape with change of direction
Snow plough turns (wedge christie) on a versatile blue run

Red Prince/Princess Ski
You will acquire the basics for jumps and will be able to master red slopes safely and dynamically with parallel turns. Now the fun really begins – the fascination of skiing has truly taken hold of you!
Warming up
Braking with skis parallel
Turning steps on an easy slope
Skidded parallel turns

Red King/Queen Ski
You will acquire the basics for jumps and will be able to master red slopes safely and dynamically with parallel turns. Now the fun really begins – the fascination of skiing has truly taken hold of you!
Behaviour in the snowpark
Short turns on an easy slope
Skating step on the flat terrain
Basic Air (small kicker)
Parallel turns with various radii

Red Star
You will acquire the basics for jumps and will be able to master red slopes safely and dynamically with parallel turns. Now the fun really begins – the fascination of skiing has truly taken hold of you!
Nature, forest and the environment
Parallel turns through a corridor of slalom gates and in a set course
Skidded parallel turns backwards (switch)
Single ski turns on an easy slope
Short turns on an intermediate slope

Black Prince/Princess Ski
You can skilfully master parallel turns off-piste. You learn how to embellish simple jumps with a cool trick.
Preparation of equipment
Short turns with pole planting on an difficult slope
Jumps: Straights and fifty/fifty over box
Parallel turns off-piste
Carved parallel turns on a wide, easy slope

Swiss Snow League Snowboard
Swiss Snow Kids Village Snowboard
You will have some unforgettable adventures in the snow together with Snowli and his friends.
Skating on a flat surface with one foot strapped
Fullbase riding on a gentle slope
Edging down the fall line
Flat base riding to edging on a gentle slope

Blue Prince/Princess Snowboard
You are learning the first turns and tricks and can snowboard on easy pistes and try out different moves safely in the snow park. Your love of snowboarding has been awakened and has whetted your appetite for more.
Behaviour on the slopes (FIS rules)
Edging in the traverse
Edging to fullbase riding
Using the T-bar lift
Skidded turns

Blue King/Queen Snowboard
You are learning the first turns and tricks and can snowboard on easy pistes and try out different moves safely in the snow park. Your love of snowboarding has been awakened and has whetted your appetite for more.
Warming up
Turns using rotation techniques
Jumping with both feet in the air on a slope

Blue Star Snowboard
You are learning the first turns and tricks and can snowboard on easy pistes and try out different moves safely in the snow park. Your love of snowboarding has been awakened and has whetted your appetite for more.
Behaviour in the snowpark
Riding Switch
Speed check
Fifty/Fifty on an easy box
Hitting small jumps

Red Prince/Princess Snowboard
You will learn new tricks and be able to master the slopes and the snow park safely and dynamically. Now the fun really begins – the fascination of snowboarding has truly taken hold of you!
Small Freestyle glossary
Turns using stretching and bending techniques
Ollie/N´Ollie on the slope
180° on the slope

Red King/Queen Snowboard
You will learn new tricks and be able to master the slopes and the snow park safely and dynamically. Now the fun really begins – the fascination of snowboarding has truly taken hold of you!
Nature, forest and the environment
Carved turns
Slide on the slope
Ollie/N´Ollie 180° on the slope
Basic Air

Red Star Snowboard
You will learn new tricks and be able to master the slopes and the snow park safely and dynamically. Now the fun really begins – the fascination of snowboarding has truly taken hold of you!
Swiss Snow Academy
Riding off-piste
Frontside Noseturn
Backside boardslide on a box
Straight Air